[debian-non-standard] Strange file system error

Sven Nieslony sven.nieslony at netviewer.com
Wed Apr 14 10:01:31 CEST 2010

> Von: Tomasz Chmielewski [mailto:mangoo at wpkg.org]
> > Immediately after unplugging the USB stick I checked it with the
> computer and everything was there. A fsck gave me no result and
> rsyncing (with -avn option) the stick with the extracted tar showed
> only the usual files (e.g. some files in /var) had changed.
> Did you run "dmesg" on the router as the error happened?

Yes I did and there was nothing logged. The last message was the eth0.100 adding a mcast address. I wasn't able to use an editor (because of the missing /tmp) so I used cat to see the syslog and there even wasn't something specific logged (only a repeating message about the serial tty).

The last time I saw an vanishing folder (the /home folder on the new Asus) I had more possibilities to use the system because it was still stable.
And there was
- nothing logged in dmesg
- nothing loggen in syslog
- a fsck didn't find any errors. I had to use force option -f to get the fsck done.

With the new Asus I didn't have any trouble except once a missing folder. It is running now since saturday without any problems and I've stressed it several times with the command

find / -xdev -type f -exec md5sum {} \; >/dev/null

which never gave me an error message since then. The -xdev option is necessary to avoid the find going into /proc and /sys which causes a lot of "Permission denied" errors.

I am sure the WL-500GP is having I/O problems on high load, but my old Asus had I/O problems even without load (the last try whith no login which killed my USB stick).


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