[iodine-users] Doubts regarding iodine

Wicher wicher at gavagai.eu
Wed Apr 10 18:54:24 CEST 2013


On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Bishneet Kaur <psxbk3 at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi, I am new to iodine and what to know somethings about it. It will be extremely helpful if you can give information about the following:
> 1.  What is difference between delegating my domain and proceeding with test.com?

I don't know what test.com does for you. I do know that you'll want to
run an iodine instance in *server mode* and match your delegation to
the publicly reachable machine it's running on.

> 2. Can I set a domain name using /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf?

I'm not sure why you'd want to configure those locally in relation to
Iodine. However, remember that *upstream* DNS servers will need to be
able to find the authoritative NS where your Iodine server instance is
running. Those files on *your machine* are not going to help *them*
find it.

> 3. Why do I need to give NATTING? If I use test.com, the initial steps mentioned till pinging are working fine between client and server.But why Natting is needed?

I'm not familiar with test.com.
You don't need to use NAT. If your Iodine server is also a router for,
say, a /28, you could use public IPs as the endpoints of the tunnel.
In most cases, you probably will want to use NAT.

> 4.Now I need to set data using newly created dns interfaces. How can I do that?

It's a point-to-point tunnel. To connect to the intarwebs, either you
run some sort of proxy (SOCKS or HTTP, for instance) on the iodine
server side of that tunnel, and connect to that, or you use routing
(with or without NAT) to change the default route to go out over the
tunnel (but you'll need to create a nontunneled route to the DNS
server you're using).

> Can you explain me the flow what to do after pinging and if nat is a compulsory action, how is it helping? I am totally not getting it. :(

NAT is not compulsary. If all you want to access is available on your
iodine server, you're done after having established the tunnel.
TBH I'm not convinced that you have set up stuff correctly so that
you're really pinging your server side endpoint of the tunnel through
the tunnel. Unless test.com is doing something very special for you.

Cheers, Wicher

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