[sheepdog-users] Several difficulties with sheepdog (from 0.4.0-0+tek2b-10 deb package)

David Douard david.douard at logilab.fr
Thu Jul 26 15:54:32 CEST 2012


I'm trying the latest deb package made by Jens, and I encounter
problems: I cannot make the cluster accept IO.

My main problem is that I find it very easy to loose my cluster; almost
every time I try to shutdown the cluster, it ends with a situation where
the cluster is corrupted (with  "Failed to read object 805a6c0500000000
No object found" kind of messages).

I lost the data when I upgraded the deb packages for example, as I use
in this context a cssh session, so all nodes are upgraded at the same
time, and the upgrade provoque a restart of the sheepdog service.

Is this behavior somewhat expected, since I do not follow some kind of
"good practices"? What are theses good practices? Is sheepdog
"compatible" with sysadmin automating tools like puppet or salt (that do
propagate changes to several nodes at a time)? How can I configure
something like automatic shutdown on power outage (I'm using apcupsd)?
How do I restart my cluster after a shutdown? Can I just fire a "service
sheepdog start" in a cssh session?

I guess these questions are also somewhat related to the discussion
about the possibility to sheepdog to detect that a node is down for a
short while, and not really failed, etc.

So, how do you guys manage your sheepdog clusters so you don't loose
your data?

+33 1 45 32 03 12	david.douard at logilab.fr
+33 1 83 64 25 26	http://www.logilab.fr/id/david.douard

Formations - http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développements - http://www.logilab.fr/services
Gestion de connaissances - http://www.cubicweb.org/
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