[sheepdog-users] [ANNOUNCE] release candidate for sheepdog 0.7.0

MORITA Kazutaka morita.kazutaka at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 17:51:40 CEST 2013

Hi all,

I'd like to announce the release candidate for sheepdog 0.7.0.


Any kind of testing would be highly appreciated.  Sheepdog 0.7.0 is
planed to be released one week later:


From this release, I'm going to use the following versioning
convention. (You can see the version by running './sheep/sheep -h')

 - The versions x.y.0, x.y.1, x.y.2, ... are used for usual sheepdog
   releases.  E.g. sheepdog 0.5.0, sheepdog 0.5.1, sheepdog 0.6.0, ...

 - The version x.y.50 means that the branch is for development phase.
   E.g. After I release sheepdog 0.7.0, I'm going to update the
   version number from 0.7.0 to 0.7.50 to open up sheepdog 0.8.0

 - The versions x.y.90, x.y.91, ... are used for release candidates.
   E.g. The version of 0.7.0-rc0 is 0.6.90.

This convention is same as what QEMU community uses.  Let me know if
there are any opinions.



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