[sheepdog-users] About snapshots

Ing. Luca Lazzeroni - Trend Servizi Srl luca at gvnet.it
Sat Aug 17 09:14:44 CEST 2013

Il giorno 17/ago/2013, alle ore 03:43, MORITA Kazutaka <morita.kazutaka at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> At Fri, 16 Aug 2013 17:03:54 +0800,
> Liu Yuan wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:48:17AM +0200, Ing. Luca Lazzeroni - Trend Servizi Srl wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to use external snapshot feature of QEMU/libVirt with sheepdog baked vdi to take VDI live backups without using sheepdog snapshots.
>>> This is to avoid the problem of disk-space unreleased on snapshot deletion.
>> Maybe you can simply use qemu-img sheepdog:image local_iamge to read the image
>> out of cluster?
>> The release of unused objects from deleted snapshots will be supported in the
>> up comming series of v0.7.x, I guess in about one month or two.
> I don't think the object reclaim patches should go into stable-0.7.
> The feature changes the underlying store layout and breaks backward
> compatibility.

Does it mean that the whole cluster needs to be updated simultaneously or that we need to reformat it after install ? Still the protocol be compatible with qemu block driver used in qemu 1.5 or we need to upgrade qemu too ? 

> I'll resend the series after rebasing and adding a document.  Testing
> and reviewing would be greatly appreciated.  Those are the missing
> things to merge the feature.

Ok, thanks.
One question; did you implement a commit/rollback feature on snapshot deletion and space reclaim ?

> Thanks,
> Kazutaka

Ing. Luca Lazzeroni - Trend Servizi Srl
Responsabile R&D

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