[sheepdog-users] cache write speed is high only at the first boot

Valerio Pachera sirio81 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 13:25:44 CEST 2013

It's repeatable (0.7.0_rc0_54_g1cacbba).

- Import a qcow2.
  qemu-img convert -f qcow2 wheezy_template.qcow2 sheepdog:qcow2

- start the guest and run, as usual, dd
  dd if=/dev/zero of=c bs=1M count 512 oflag=direct

I get between 100 and 130 M/s.

I turn off the guest and run it again.
No modification at all.
I'm stuck between 40 and 50 M/s.
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