[sheepdog-users] some problems about sheepdog

Wenhao Xu wenhao at zelin.io
Wed Jul 3 12:00:50 CEST 2013


Comments inline.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 5:49 PM, liujet <liujet at 126.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am a beginer. Hope experts can understand my poor English  and  help
> me. Thanks!
> Follow the use's guide, I test a sheepdog vdi (run windows
> 2003)successfully on just one physical pc (collie cluster format --copies=1
> ).
> The envirotments :one pc running centos6.4, sheedog 0.6, qemu1.4.2.
> There are  3 problems comfused me.
> 1. qemu1.5 installed, when running qemu-system-x86_64 with
> parameter "-enable-kvm", fail to start the vdi. And then degreade to
> qemu1.4, an error appears "invalid write to memory region kvm-pic", but
> client OS running  normally and quickly.
How do you install qemu1.5? From source code?

What is the full command line you used to start sheepdog?
What is the full command line you used to start the sheepdog VM?

2. In the client system(windows2003 server), download or copy files up to
> 100M bytes, the vdi seems halt and  recover after finishing  the download
> task, it cost quite a long time. why?
Do you mean VM is halted? How do you copy the files? Could you please
describe more? And what is in sheep.log?

> 3. after installing the libvirt, virsh can start local raw image, but not
> with sheepdog, the error is about "not finding the sheepdog disk"
> What is your libvirt xml?

> --
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