[sheepdog-users] Sheepdog 0.7 release schedule

MORITA Kazutaka morita.kazutaka at lab.ntt.co.jp
Wed Jul 10 11:25:41 CEST 2013

Hi all,

Based on the qemu 1.6 release schedule
(http://wiki.qemu.org/Planning/1.6), I'd suggest the following

2013-07-29 Soft feature freeze. Major features should have initial
           code committed by this date.
2013-08-07 Hard feature freeze. Tag v0.7.0-rc0, only bug fixes
           committed after this point
2013-08-15 Tag v0.7.0

Our soft feature freeze is delayed to the date of QEMU hard feature
freeze.  Our community is smaller than QEMU, so I think we can take a
tighter schedule.

Any comments are welcome.



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