[sheepdog-users] Sheepdog timeout option and log verbosity

Michał Chybowski michal.chybowski at tiktalik.com
Thu Jul 23 16:30:57 CEST 2015


I'm setting up a Sheepdog cluster on Sheepdog from tag v0.9.2 on 4 
"sheep" nodes and at least 1 "client" and I have a problem using 
"timeout" option while starting sheep. Any value (even "stock" 30 
seconds) gives me "failed to connect to zk server {IP}" error in 
sheep.log. Below I provide both log output and command used to start sheep:

sheep -c zookeeper:{IP1}:2181,{IP2}:2181,{IP3}:2181,timeout=30s -n 
/var/lib/sheepdog,/drive1,/drive2 -y {sheep_IP}

log output:

Jul 23 16:16:16 INFO [main] md_add_disk(343) /drive1, vdisk nr 2611, 
total disk 1
Jul 23 16:16:16 INFO [main] md_add_disk(343) /drive2, vdisk nr 2611, 
total disk 2
Jul 23 16:16:16 ERROR [main] zk_init(1394) failed to connect to zk 
server {IP1}:2181,{IP2}:2181,{IP3}:2181 after 1 retries

Also I'd like to ask You if there's any kind of SBD kernel module 
logging verbosity setting? My kern.log and debug.log are growing 
extraordinary fast, filling up with SBD process (kernel module) action 
log. I'm using Debian 7 Wheezy if it's going to help in any form.

Michał Chybowski

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