[Sheepdog] The system is still booting

Wido den Hollander wido at pcextreme.nl
Fri Apr 9 14:21:13 CEST 2010


I just received my new test hardware and went on setting up my Sheepdog
cluster again.

But right now i'm running into a different problem.

The cluster consists of 5 nodes, which can be showed by:

  Idx	Node id (FNV-1a) - Host:Port
  0	13e9d7233684c11d -
  1	27ca81e942cd0eef -
* 2	4f5de28d9ad07d49 -
  3	d3d995c9a4f4336a -
  4	e269ca1559662fa8 -

That works fine.

All 5 hosts have the directory /srv/sheepdog mounted with Btrfs, this is
a partition of 196GB:

root at osd1:~# df -h|grep sheepdog
/dev/sda7             196G   72K  192G   1% /srv/sheepdog
root at osd1:~# mount|grep sheepdog
/dev/sda7 on /srv/sheepdog type btrfs (rw,noatime)
root at osd1:~#

This is the same on all the hosts, i verified that.

But now, when i try to create a image, i get:

root at osd1:~# /usr/local/bin/qemu-img create -f sheepdog vm002 50G
Formatting 'vm002', fmt=sheepdog size=53687091200 
do_sd_create 1143: The system is still booting, vm002
qemu-img: Error while formatting
root at osd1:~#

Now that seems odd, but when checking my cluster i got:

root at osd1:~# shepherd info -t cluster

Ctime              Epoch Nodes
root at osd1:~# shepherd info -t sheep
Id	Size	Used	Use%

Total	0.0 MB	0.0 MB	-2147483648%, total virtual VDI Size	0.0 MB
root at osd1:~#

As you can see the sizes of the nodes is not detected correctly..

I attached the collie.log of "osd1", which might give you some more

To me everything seems fine?

All 5 hosts are running Ubuntu 9.10 with kernel version 2.6.34 and
Sheepdog is build against the latest GIT revision.

Any idea?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Wido den Hollander
Hoofd Systeembeheer / CSO
Telefoon Support Nederland: 0900 9633 (45 cpm)
Telefoon Support België: 0900 70312 (45 cpm)
Telefoon Direct: (+31) (0)20 50 60 104
Fax: +31 (0)20 50 60 111
E-mail: support at pcextreme.nl
Website: http://www.pcextreme.nl
Kennisbank: http://support.pcextreme.nl/
Netwerkstatus: http://nmc.pcextreme.nl

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