At Tue, 18 Jan 2011 11:32:39 +0100, Sonali Jadhav wrote: > Hi there..!! > > I have implemented two nodes in sheepdog cluster namely kvmbox1 and kvmbox2. On each node I have one vm. Namely, vm01 on kvmbox1 and vm02 on kvmbox2. And I have set - -copies to 2 on both nodes. I want to check, If I stop sheepdog service on kvmbox1 then vm01 will be automatically recovered/redistributed on kvmbox2. Now in this situation I want to check whether recovery/redistribution of vm01 is running or not ? Is there any way to check it apart from logs..? This is my 1st concern > If you created the sheepdog cluster with 'collie cluster format --copies=2', the both two nodes should have the data objects of vm01 and vm02. So the data redistribution shouldn't happen after you stop the sheep daemon on the kvmbox1. You can check the state of objects with the following commands: $ collie vdi object vm01 # show the state of vdi object $ collie vdi object vm01 -i [index] # show the state data object > > My 2nd concern is, consider somehow my vm01 is crashed or lost then can I recover it back fromkvmbox2..?? > If yes then how to do it ? what are command to be used for recovery? All objects of Sheepdog are automatically recovered; you don't need to do nothing. > > > My 3rd concern is, we used command "sheep /store_dir", as per guides I thought this /store_dir , contains/stoes all objects/replicated copies. Because of which we set around 200GB space to /store_dir. But it's not. By default all objects/replicated copies are stored under /var/lib/sheepdog/obj/. If sheepdog stores all objects under /var/lib/sheepdog/obj/ then what does "sheep /store_dir" do? I think there is another sheep daemon which started with the '/var/lib/sheepdog' argument. Did you use the init script of Sheepdog? It uses the directory. Please check existing sheep daemons with 'ps aux | grep sheep'. Thanks, Kazutaka > > Thanking you, > Sonali Jadhav. > [1.2 <text/html; us-ascii (quoted-printable)>] > > [2 <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>] > -- > sheepdog mailing list > sheepdog at > |