[Sheepdog] [PATCH 1/2] sheep: sheep: handle node change event first

Liu Yuan namei.unix at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 09:30:20 CEST 2012

On 04/01/2012 11:41 AM, MORITA Kazutaka wrote:

> Let's take another approach.  Here is my suggestion:
>  - Use different queues for I/O requests and membership events.
>  - When membership queue is empty, we can process I/O requests as
>    usual.
>  - When membership queue is not empty, flush all outstanding I/Os.
>    New I/O requests are blocked until the membership queue becomes
>    empty.

Let's leave aside IO req that are just queued, not issued.

Even with separate queues, seems that we need to wait for completion of
infly IOs. No?

So one queue with higher priority placement of notify & confchg event,
we could have a working solution.


>  - SD_OP_SHUTDOWN and SD_OP_MAKE_FS should be pushed to the membership
>    queue, and other operations are pushed to the I/O request queue.

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