[Sheepdog] Add more hash strategy

Huxinwei huxinwei at huawei.com
Fri May 4 05:36:47 CEST 2012

I tried Strategy 2 like this:
    for (v=0, o = 0; v < SD_MAX_VNODES; v++, o++) {
        if (o >= nr) o = 0;
        vnodes[v].id = UINT64_MAX / SD_MAX_VNODES * v;
        vnodes[v].node = &(nodes[o]);
        vnodes[v].node_idx = o;
    for (v=0; v < SD_MAX_VNODES; v++) {
        c = ((unsigned int)(v+random()))%SD_MAX_VNODES;
        vnode = vnodes[v];
        vnodes[v] = vnodes[c];
        vnodes[c] = vnode;

It surely helps to ensure an equally distribution.
But on the other hand, it’s important to track the mapping from vnode to node then, to minimize the data movement when join/leave happens.
It’s basically how swift (from openstack) do. And I found it overwhelm for sheepdog.

Strategy 3 is basically how glusterfs do.
But, recording hash space also means you’ll face a lot of data movement again.
glusterfs use “link” extensively to avoid data moving. Should we do that too ?

BTW: I found the easiest way to improve distribution while maintain the simplicity of current algo. Is to increase VNODES_PER_NODE.
The downside is, of course, more memory to use for the vnode_list. :(

Xinwei Hu
华为技术有限公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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From: sheepdog-bounces at lists.wpkg.org [mailto:sheepdog-bounces at lists.wpkg.org] On Behalf Of HaiTing Yao
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 10:24 AM
To: sheepdog at lists.wpkg.org
Subject: [Sheepdog] Add more hash strategy


I read codes about hash now and tried to do something. I need some comments to do it properly.

Strategy 1 (We used now)

Random tokens per node

Partition by random token. The partition token is produced by hash function with node IP/port.

Strategy 2

Random tokens per node

Equal sized partitions. The hash space is divided into Q equally sized partitions. Q is the number of nodes or vnodes.

Strategy 3

Random tokens per node

Equal sized partitions. When there is node join/leaving, the equal size may be broken to minimize the data movement.

For strategy 3, need write hash space to disk. I think I can use the object to record the infomation.

Do we need add the strategy 2/3, or there is better strategies?


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