[Sheepdog] Object node affinity

Matthew Law matt at webcontracts.co.uk
Wed May 9 12:40:17 CEST 2012

Can someone please explain to me how this scenario works in sheepdog?

Suppose I have 12 nodes (either 12 servers with one dedicated sheep disk
each, or 4 servers with 3 sheep disks in each) and I want 3 copies of my
data to be maintained.  Is it possible that none of my data will reside on
the host which creates/accesses it or does sheepdog ensure the data has an
affinity for the host that uses it?  If it has a complete local copy does
it still retrieve remote copies?

Hope this makes sense.  I'm just interested in the efficiency of VM
storage access in sheepdog.  If I can understand it then I will add this
as a FAQ item for proposed user documentation.



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