[sheepdog] [PATCH v3 02/10] trace: create a caller list in tracer_init()

MORITA Kazutaka morita.kazutaka at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 11:08:59 CEST 2013

From: MORITA Kazutaka <morita.kazutaka at lab.ntt.co.jp>

In tracer_enable(), we replace all the mcount() calls in the caller
list with trace_caller().  However, we create the caller list
dynamically; we update the list when sheep calls a new function which
is not in the list for the first time.  This means that we cannot
trace the functions which were not called before we call

To include all the function into the tracer targets, this patch
creates a complete caller list just after sheep starts up.  This
achieves it with BFD (a part of binutils-dev) and makes the current
tracer code much simpler.

This can also remove trace.ld, and allows us to see a line number when
debugging with GDB.

Signed-off-by: MORITA Kazutaka <morita.kazutaka at lab.ntt.co.jp>
 collie/Makefile.am   |    2 +-
 configure.ac         |   14 ++--
 sheep/Makefile.am    |    2 +-
 sheep/trace/graph.c  |    6 +-
 sheep/trace/mcount.S |   28 -------
 sheep/trace/stabs.c  |  210 -----------------------------------------------
 sheep/trace/trace.c  |  222 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 sheep/trace/trace.h  |   19 +----
 sheep/trace/trace.ld |   18 ----
 9 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 378 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 sheep/trace/stabs.c
 delete mode 100644 sheep/trace/trace.ld

diff --git a/collie/Makefile.am b/collie/Makefile.am
index 2b45b53..a336f11 100644
--- a/collie/Makefile.am
+++ b/collie/Makefile.am
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ collie_SOURCES		= farm/object_tree.c farm/sha1_file.c farm/snap.c \
 collie_SOURCES          += debug.c
-override CFLAGS         := $(subst -pg -gstabs,,$(CFLAGS))
+override CFLAGS         := $(subst -pg,,$(CFLAGS))
 collie_LDADD		= ../lib/libsheepdog.a -lpthread
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index ebaf241..50f822f 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -289,6 +289,10 @@ if test "x${enable_trace}" = xyes; then
 	if [[[ $host != *x86_64* ]]]; then
 		AC_MSG_ERROR(tracer can be used on x86_64 architectures)
+	AC_CHECK_LIB([bfd], [bfd_openr],,
+		AC_MSG_ERROR(requires binutils-dev))
+	AC_CHECK_HEADERS([bfd.h],,
+		AC_MSG_ERROR(requires binutils-dev))
 	AC_CHECK_LIB([rt], [clock_gettime],,
 		AC_MSG_ERROR(librt not found))
 	AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([HAVE_TRACE], 1, [have trace])
@@ -378,11 +382,9 @@ else
 if test "x${enable_trace}" = xyes && \
-		cc_supports_flag -pg && \
-		cc_supports_flag -gstabs ; then
-	AC_MSG_NOTICE([Enabling trace (-pg -gstabs)])
-	TRACE_CFLAGS="-pg -gstabs"
-	TRACE_LDFLAGS="-T$(pwd)/sheep/trace/trace.ld"
+		cc_supports_flag -pg ; then
+	AC_MSG_NOTICE([Enabling trace (-pg)])
 	-D_GNU_SOURCE -D_LGPL_SOURCE -std=gnu99"
 # substitute what we need:
diff --git a/sheep/Makefile.am b/sheep/Makefile.am
index fe4a938..8b9cc10 100644
--- a/sheep/Makefile.am
+++ b/sheep/Makefile.am
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ sheep_SOURCES		+= cluster/zookeeper.c
-sheep_SOURCES		+= trace/trace.c trace/mcount.S trace/stabs.c trace/graph.c
+sheep_SOURCES		+= trace/trace.c trace/mcount.S trace/graph.c
 sheep_LDADD	  	= ../lib/libsheepdog.a -lpthread -lm\
diff --git a/sheep/trace/graph.c b/sheep/trace/graph.c
index ce2ff7a..deaf6a4 100644
--- a/sheep/trace/graph.c
+++ b/sheep/trace/graph.c
@@ -89,10 +89,8 @@ static notrace void graph_tracer(unsigned long ip, unsigned long *ret_addr)
 	memset(&trace, 0, sizeof(trace));
-	cr = trace_lookup_ip(ip, false);
-	assert(cr->namelen + 1 < TRACE_FNAME_LEN);
-	memcpy(trace.fname, cr->name, cr->namelen);
-	memset(trace.fname + cr->namelen, '\0', 1);
+	cr = trace_lookup_ip(ip);
+	pstrcpy(trace.fname, sizeof(trace.fname), cr->name);
 	*ret_addr = (unsigned long)trace_return_caller;
diff --git a/sheep/trace/mcount.S b/sheep/trace/mcount.S
index 69a9cbd..a621332 100644
--- a/sheep/trace/mcount.S
+++ b/sheep/trace/mcount.S
@@ -19,34 +19,6 @@
 #define ENTRY(x) \
         .text; _ALIGN_TEXT; .globl x; .type x, at function; x:
-	subq $0x38, %rsp
-	movq %rax, (%rsp)
-	movq %rcx, 8(%rsp)
-	movq %rdx, 16(%rsp)
-	movq %rsi, 24(%rsp)
-	movq %rdi, 32(%rsp)
-	movq %r8, 40(%rsp)
-	movq %r9, 48(%rsp)
-	movq 0x38(%rsp), %rdi
-	subq $INSN_SIZE, %rdi
-.globl mcount_call
-	call trace_stub
-	movq 48(%rsp), %r9
-	movq 40(%rsp), %r8
-	movq 32(%rsp), %rdi
-	movq 24(%rsp), %rsi
-	movq 16(%rsp), %rdx
-	movq 8(%rsp), %rcx
-	movq (%rsp), %rax
-	addq $0x38, %rsp
-	retq
 	subq $0x38, %rsp
 	movq %rax, (%rsp)
diff --git a/sheep/trace/stabs.c b/sheep/trace/stabs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eeae153..0000000
--- a/sheep/trace/stabs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 Taobao Inc.
- *
- * Liu Yuan <namei.unix at gmail.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#include <stab.h>
-#include "trace.h"
-/* referrence to the MIT JOS code */
-/* Entries in the STABS table are formatted as follows */
-struct stab {
-	uint32_t index;		/* index into string table of name */
-	uint8_t type;		/* type of symbol */
-	uint8_t misc;		/* misc info (usually empty) */
-	uint16_t desc;		/* description field */
-	uint32_t value;		/* value of symbol */
-extern const struct stab __STAB_BEGIN__[];
-extern const struct stab __STAB_END__[];
-extern const char __STABSTR_BEGIN__[];
-extern const char __STABSTR_END__[];
-   stab_bsearch(stabs, region_left, region_right, type, addr)
-   Some stab types are arranged in increasing order by instruction
-   address.  For example, N_FUN stabs (stab entries with type ==
-   N_FUN), which mark functions, and N_SO stabs, which mark source files.
-   Given an instruction address, this function finds the single stab
-   entry of type 'type' that contains that address.
-   The search modifies *region_left and *region_right to bracket the
-   'addr'.  *region_left points to the matching stab that contains
-   'addr', and *region_right points just before the next stab.  If
-   *region_left > *region_right, then 'addr' is not contained in any
-   matching stab.
-   For example, given these N_SO stabs:
-   Index  Type   Address
-   0      SO     f0100000
-   13     SO     f0100040
-   117    SO     f0100176
-   118    SO     f0100178
-   555    SO     f0100652
-   556    SO     f0100654
-   657    SO     f0100849
-   this code:
-	left = 0, right = 657;
-	stab_bsearch(stabs, &left, &right, N_SO, 0xf0100184);
-   will exit setting left = 118, right = 554.
- */
-static notrace void stab_bsearch(const struct stab *stabs, int *region_left, int *region_right,
-		int type, uintptr_t addr)
-	int l = *region_left, r = *region_right;
-	bool any_matches = false;
-	while (l <= r) {
-		int true_m = (l + r) / 2, m = true_m;
-		/* search for earliest stab with right type */
-		while (m >= l && stabs[m].type != type)
-			m--;
-		if (m < l) {	/* no match in [l, m] */
-			l = true_m + 1;
-			continue;
-		}
-		/* actual binary search */
-		any_matches = true;
-		if (stabs[m].value < addr) {
-			*region_left = m;
-			l = true_m + 1;
-		} else if (stabs[m].value > addr) {
-			*region_right = m - 1;
-			r = m - 1;
-		} else {
-			/* exact match for 'addr', but continue loop to find
-			 * *region_right
-			 */
-			*region_left = m;
-			l = m;
-			addr++;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!any_matches)
-		*region_right = *region_left - 1;
-	else {
-		/* find rightmost region containing 'addr' */
-		for (l = *region_right;
-				l > *region_left && stabs[l].type != type;
-				l--)
-			/* do nothing */;
-		*region_left = l;
-	}
- * Fill in the 'info' structure with information about the specified
- * instruction address, 'addr'.
- *
- * Returns
- *  0 if information was found
- * -1 if not.
- *
- * NB: But even if it returns negative it has stored some
- * information into '*info'.
- */
-notrace int get_ipinfo(uintptr_t addr, struct ipinfo *info)
-	const struct stab *stabs, *stab_end;
-	const char *stabstr, *stabstr_end;
-	int lfile, rfile, lfun, rfun, lline, rline;
-	info->file = "<unknown>";
-	info->line = 0;
-	info->fn_name = "<unknown>";
-	info->fn_namelen = 9;
-	info->fn_addr = addr;
-	info->fn_narg = 0;
-	stabs = __STAB_BEGIN__;
-	stab_end = __STAB_END__;
-	stabstr = __STABSTR_BEGIN__;
-	stabstr_end = __STABSTR_END__;
-	if (stabstr_end <= stabstr || stabstr_end[-1] != 0)
-		return -1;
-	/* Now we find the right stabs that define the function containing
-	 * 'eip'.  First, we find the basic source file containing 'eip'.
-	 * Then, we look in that source file for the function.  Then we look
-	 * for the line number.
-	 */
-	lfile = 0;
-	rfile = (stab_end - stabs) - 1;
-	stab_bsearch(stabs, &lfile, &rfile, N_SO, addr);
-	if (lfile == 0)
-		return -1;
-	lfun = lfile;
-	rfun = rfile;
-	stab_bsearch(stabs, &lfun, &rfun, N_FUN, addr);
-	if (lfun <= rfun) {
-		/* stabs[lfun] points to the function name
-		 * in the string table, but check bounds just in case.
-		 */
-		if (stabs[lfun].index < stabstr_end - stabstr)
-			info->fn_name = stabstr + stabs[lfun].index;
-		info->fn_addr = stabs[lfun].value;
-		addr -= info->fn_addr;
-		/* Search within the function definition for the line number. */
-		lline = lfun;
-		rline = rfun;
-	} else {
-		/* Couldn't find function stab!  Maybe we're in an assembly
-		 * file.  Search the whole file for the line number.
-		 */
-		info->fn_addr = addr;
-		lline = lfile;
-		rline = rfile;
-	}
-	/* Ignore stuff after the colon. */
-	info->fn_namelen = strchr(info->fn_name, ':') - info->fn_name;
-	/* Search within [lline, rline] for the line number stab. */
-	stab_bsearch(stabs, &lline, &rline, N_SLINE, addr);
-	if (lline <= rline)
-		info->line = stabs[lline].desc;
-	else
-		return -1;
-	/* Search backwards from the line number for the relevant filename
-	 * stab.
-	 * We can't just use the "lfile" stab because inlined functions
-	 * can interpolate code from a different file!
-	 * Such included source files use the N_SOL stab type.
-	 */
-	while (lline >= lfile &&
-		stabs[lline].type != N_SOL &&
-		(stabs[lline].type != N_SO || !stabs[lline].value))
-		lline--;
-	if (lline >= lfile && stabs[lline].index < stabstr_end - stabstr)
-		info->file = stabstr + stabs[lline].index;
-	/* Set fn_narg to the number of arguments taken by the function,
-	 * or 0 if there was no containing function.
-	 */
-	if (lfun < rfun)
-		for (lline = lfun + 1; lline < rfun && stabs[lline].type == N_PSYM;
-		     lline++)
-			info->fn_narg++;
-	return 0;
diff --git a/sheep/trace/trace.c b/sheep/trace/trace.c
index e0a91c8..e4fcc0c 100644
--- a/sheep/trace/trace.c
+++ b/sheep/trace/trace.c
@@ -11,14 +11,12 @@
  * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "trace.h"
+#include <bfd.h>
-#define TRACE_HASH_BITS       7
-#define TRACE_HASH_SIZE       (1 << TRACE_HASH_BITS)
+#include "trace.h"
-static struct hlist_head trace_hashtable[TRACE_HASH_SIZE];
-static LIST_HEAD(caller_list);
-static pthread_mutex_t trace_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static struct caller *callers;
+static size_t nr_callers;
 static trace_func_t trace_func = trace_call;
@@ -33,9 +31,9 @@ union instruction {
 	} __attribute__((packed));
-static inline int trace_hash(unsigned long ip)
+static notrace int caller_cmp(const struct caller *a, const struct caller *b)
-	return hash_64(ip, TRACE_HASH_BITS);
+	return intcmp(a->mcount, b->mcount);
 static notrace unsigned char *get_new_call(unsigned long ip, unsigned long addr)
@@ -56,13 +54,6 @@ static notrace void replace_call(unsigned long ip, unsigned long func)
 	memcpy((void *)ip, new, INSN_SIZE);
-static inline void replace_mcount_call(unsigned long func)
-	unsigned long ip = (unsigned long)mcount_call;
-	replace_call(ip, func);
 static inline void replace_trace_call(unsigned long func)
 	unsigned long ip = (unsigned long)trace_call;
@@ -77,66 +68,13 @@ static notrace int make_text_writable(unsigned long ip)
 	return mprotect((void *)start, getpagesize() + INSN_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC | PROT_WRITE);
-notrace struct caller *trace_lookup_ip(unsigned long ip, bool create)
-	int h = trace_hash(ip);
-	struct hlist_head *head = trace_hashtable + h;
-	struct hlist_node *node;
-	struct ipinfo info;
-	struct caller *new = NULL;
-	pthread_mutex_lock(&trace_lock);
-	if (hlist_empty(head))
-		goto not_found;
-	hlist_for_each_entry(new, node, head, hash) {
-		if (new->mcount == ip)
-			goto out;
-	}
-	if (get_ipinfo(ip, &info) < 0) {
-		sd_dprintf("ip: %lx not found", ip);
-		new = NULL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (create) {
-		new = malloc(sizeof(*new));
-		if (!new) {
-			sd_eprintf("out of memory");
-			goto out;
-		}
-		new->mcount = ip;
-		new->namelen = info.fn_namelen;
-		new->name = info.fn_name;
-		hlist_add_head(&new->hash, head);
-		list_add(&new->list, &caller_list);
-		sd_dprintf("add %.*s", info.fn_namelen, info.fn_name);
-	} else {
-		sd_dprintf("%.*s\n not found", info.fn_namelen, info.fn_name);
-		new = NULL;
-	}
-	pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_lock);
-	return new;
- * Try to NOP all the mcount call sites that are supposed to be traced.
- * Later we can enable it by asking these sites to point to trace_caller,
- * where we can override trace_call() with our own trace function. We can
- * do this, because below function record the IP of 'call mcount' inside the
- * callers.
- *
- * IP points to the return address.
- */
-static notrace void do_trace_init(unsigned long ip)
+notrace struct caller *trace_lookup_ip(unsigned long ip)
+	const struct caller key = {
+		.mcount = ip,
+	};
-	if (make_text_writable(ip) < 0)
-		return;
-	memcpy((void *)ip, NOP5, INSN_SIZE);
-	trace_lookup_ip(ip, true);
+	return xbsearch(&key, callers, nr_callers, caller_cmp);
 notrace int register_trace_function(trace_func_t func)
@@ -151,26 +89,14 @@ notrace int register_trace_function(trace_func_t func)
 static notrace void patch_all_sites(unsigned long addr)
-	struct caller *ca;
-	unsigned char *new;
-	pthread_mutex_lock(&trace_lock);
-	list_for_each_entry(ca, &caller_list, list) {
-		new = get_new_call(ca->mcount, addr);
-		memcpy((void *)ca->mcount, new, INSN_SIZE);
-	}
-	pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_lock);
+	for (int i = 0; i < nr_callers; i++)
+		replace_call(callers[i].mcount, addr);
 static notrace void nop_all_sites(void)
-	struct caller *ca;
-	pthread_mutex_lock(&trace_lock);
-	list_for_each_entry(ca, &caller_list, list) {
-		memcpy((void *)ca->mcount, NOP5, INSN_SIZE);
-	}
-	pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_lock);
+	for (int i = 0; i < nr_callers; i++)
+		memcpy((void *)callers[i].mcount, NOP5, INSN_SIZE);
 notrace int trace_enable(void)
@@ -224,16 +150,126 @@ notrace void trace_buffer_push(int cpuid, struct trace_graph_item *item)
 	strbuf_add(&buffer[cpuid], item, sizeof(*item));
+/* assume that mcount call exists in the first FIND_MCOUNT_RANGE bytes */
+static unsigned long find_mcount_call(unsigned long entry_addr)
+	unsigned long start = entry_addr;
+	unsigned long end = entry_addr + FIND_MCOUNT_RANGE;
+	while (start < end) {
+		union instruction *code;
+		unsigned long addr;
+		/* 0xe8 means a opcode of call */
+		code = memchr((void *)start, 0xe8, end - start);
+		addr = (unsigned long)code;
+		if (code == NULL)
+			break;
+		if ((int)((unsigned long)mcount - addr - INSN_SIZE) ==
+		    code->offset)
+			return addr;
+		start = addr + 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static bfd *get_bfd(void)
+	char fname[PATH_MAX] = {0};
+	bfd *abfd;
+	if (readlink("/proc/self/exe", fname, sizeof(fname)) < 0)
+		panic("failed to get a path of the program.");
+	abfd = bfd_openr(fname, NULL);
+	if (abfd == 0) {
+		sd_eprintf("cannot open %s", fname);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (!bfd_check_format(abfd, bfd_object)) {
+		sd_eprintf("invalid format");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (!(bfd_get_file_flags(abfd) & HAS_SYMS)) {
+		sd_eprintf("no symbols found");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return abfd;
+/* Create a caller list which has a mcount call. */
+static int init_callers(void)
+	int max_symtab_size;
+	asymbol **symtab;
+	int symcount;
+	bfd *abfd;
+	abfd = get_bfd();
+	if (abfd == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	max_symtab_size = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound(abfd);
+	if (max_symtab_size < 0) {
+		sd_eprintf("failed to get symtab size");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	symtab = xmalloc(max_symtab_size);
+	symcount = bfd_canonicalize_symtab(abfd, symtab);
+	callers = xzalloc(sizeof(*callers) * symcount);
+	for (int i = 0; i < symcount; i++) {
+		asymbol *sym = symtab[i];
+		unsigned long ip, addr = bfd_asymbol_value(sym);
+		const char *name = bfd_asymbol_name(sym);
+		if (addr == 0 || !(sym->flags & BSF_FUNCTION))
+			/* sym is not a function */
+			continue;
+		ip = find_mcount_call(addr);
+		if (ip == 0) {
+			sd_dprintf("%s doesn't have mcount call", name);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (make_text_writable(ip) < 0)
+			panic("failed to make mcount call writable");
+		callers[nr_callers].addr = addr;
+		callers[nr_callers].mcount = ip;
+		callers[nr_callers].name = strdup(name);
+		nr_callers++;
+	}
+	xqsort(callers, nr_callers, caller_cmp);
+	free(symtab);
+	bfd_close(abfd);
+	return 0;
+ * Try to NOP all the mcount call sites that are supposed to be traced.  Later
+ * we can enable it by asking these sites to point to trace_caller.
+ */
 notrace int trace_init(void)
 	int i;
-	if (make_text_writable((unsigned long)mcount_call) < 0) {
-		sd_dprintf("%m");
+	if (init_callers() < 0)
 		return -1;
-	}
-	replace_mcount_call((unsigned long)do_trace_init);
+	nop_all_sites();
 	nr_cpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 	buffer = xzalloc(sizeof(*buffer) * nr_cpu);
diff --git a/sheep/trace/trace.h b/sheep/trace/trace.h
index 977b48f..f65aba8 100644
--- a/sheep/trace/trace.h
+++ b/sheep/trace/trace.h
@@ -7,20 +7,9 @@
 #include "sheep_priv.h"
-struct ipinfo {
-	const char *file;           /* Source code filename for EIP */
-	int line;                   /* Source code linenumber for EIP */
-	const char *fn_name;        /* Name of function containing EIP */
-	int fn_namelen;             /* Length of function name */
-	unsigned long fn_addr;      /* Address of start of function */
-	int fn_narg;                /* Number of function arguments */
 struct caller {
-	struct list_head list;
-	struct hlist_node hash;
+	unsigned long addr;
 	unsigned long mcount;
-	int namelen;
 	const char *name;
@@ -31,12 +20,8 @@ typedef void (*trace_func_graph_ent_t)(struct trace_graph_item *);
 /* graph.c */
-/* stabs.c */
-int get_ipinfo(unsigned long ip, struct ipinfo *info);
 /* mcount.S */
 void mcount(void);
-void mcount_call(void);
 void trace_caller(void);
 void trace_call(unsigned long, unsigned long *);
 extern const unsigned char NOP5[];
@@ -49,7 +34,7 @@ unsigned long trace_return_call(void);
   int register_trace_function(trace_func_t func);
   int trace_enable(void);
   int trace_disable(void);
-  struct caller *trace_lookup_ip(unsigned long ip, bool create);
+  struct caller *trace_lookup_ip(unsigned long ip);
   int trace_buffer_pop(void *buf, uint32_t len);
   void trace_buffer_push(int cpuid, struct trace_graph_item *item);
diff --git a/sheep/trace/trace.ld b/sheep/trace/trace.ld
deleted file mode 100644
index 031ada7..0000000
--- a/sheep/trace/trace.ld
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-	stab : {
-		*(.stab);
-		PROVIDE(__STAB_END__ = .);
-		BYTE(0) /* Force linker allocate memeory for this section */
-	}
-	stabstr : {
-		*(.stabstr);
-		BYTE(0)
-	}

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