[sheepdog] [PATCH v6 0/2] move sockfd to libsheepdog

Hitoshi Mitake mitake.hitoshi at lab.ntt.co.jp
Wed Jul 31 04:43:13 CEST 2013

We will make big changes in the near future:
1. Improve some subcommands of collie for more
   scalability. e.g. collie vdi list takes long time on a
   sheepdog cluster which consists many VDIs.

2. Let sheep and collie handle EMFILE gracefully. We will implement
   wrappers for functions which create new fd (e.g. xopen() for

Before doing them, moving sockfd cache from sheep to libsheepdog is
required. This patchset does this moving and prepares for the above

 - revive revalidate_node() because it is required for handling corner
   case of sheep and doesn't harm collie's behavior
 - trivial cleaning

 - make the workqueue for cachefd growth an internal thing in
 - remove revalidate_node(), because this relies on the assumption of
 - better naming of functions
 - misc cleanings

 - remove the redundant function, collie_exec_req_nid()

 - rebase on the latest master

 - use git format-patch -C for detecting copy

Hitoshi Mitake (2):
  lib: move sockfd cache from sheep to lib
  collie: let collie use sockfd cache

 collie/collie.c               |    6 +
 collie/common.c               |   24 +-
 include/Makefile.am           |    3 +-
 include/internal_proto.h      |    2 +
 include/sockfd_cache.h        |   22 ++
 lib/Makefile.am               |    2 +-
 {sheep => lib}/sockfd_cache.c |  125 +++++-----
 sheep/gateway.c               |   10 +-
 sheep/group.c                 |    2 +-
 sheep/sheep.c                 |    9 +-
 sheep/sheep_priv.h            |   12 +-
 sheep/sockfd_cache.c          |  509 +----------------------------------------
 12 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 601 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/sockfd_cache.h
 copy {sheep => lib}/sockfd_cache.c (89%)


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