[sheepdog] [PATCH 1/3] zookeeper: retry zk_create_seq_node on retryable error

Liu Yuan namei.unix at gmail.com
Thu May 30 17:04:42 CEST 2013

On 05/30/2013 10:58 PM, MORITA Kazutaka wrote:
> How do you think we handle ZINVALIDSTATE?
> I've also experienced ZINVALIDSTATE and ZSESSIONEXPIRED, but, IIUC,
> those errors are caused by a timeout.  Am I wrong?
> Either way, I think the error should be handled in the different patch
> unless it is a retryable one.

I have no idea what ZINVALIDSTATE is nor if it is retryable. But with
zookeeper v1.4.5, zk only return ZINVALIDSTATE for timeout as documented.


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