[sheepdog] [PATCH RFC] sheep: free memory used for exceptional nodes

Hitoshi Mitake mitake.hitoshi at gmail.com
Mon May 6 16:47:26 CEST 2013

At Mon,  6 May 2013 23:46:04 +0900,
Hitoshi Mitake wrote:
> It seems that current clear_exceptional_node_lists() leaks memory used
> for representing delayed and failed nodes.

BTW, I have a question about the mechanism of dealing with exceptional
nodes. In sd_join_handler(), if the condition: 
       nr_local == nr + nr_failed - nr_delayed_nodes
is true, status of sheepdog cluster becomes OK.

I couldn't understand the meaning of the above condition. Because
failed nodes exit immediately, so they should not be counted as
workable nodes.  (On the other hand, delayed nodes are not counted as 
workable. It is also strange from my perspective.)

I'm glad if someone give me an explanation.


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