[wpkg-announce] database inconsistency

Make Compile makecompile at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 9 13:39:25 CEST 2011

Hey guys, 

I'm just newbie on this application so please pardon my incompetence. 

I'm trying to test out wpkg client server unfortunately when i run this command to debug the XML files here's the error generatedon my workstation. can anyone help me out on this. Thank you in advance

C:\Program Files\wpkg>cscript \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\wpkg.js /synchronize /debug
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Reboot-Cmd is standard.
Initialized temporary local log file: C:\DOCUME~1\lbli\LOCALS~1\Temp\wpkg-logIni
Initializing new log file: C:\DOCUME~1\lbli\LOCALS~1\Temp\wpkg-lbli_d1.log
WPKG 1.2 starting...
Base directory is '\\ocssvr\repo\wpkg'.
Log level is 255
Trying to read XML file: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\profiles.xml
Successfully loaded XML file: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\profiles.xml
Trying to read XML files from directory: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\profiles
Specified XML directory does not exist: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\profiles
Trying to read XML file: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\hosts.xml
Successfully loaded XML file: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\hosts.xml
Trying to read XML files from directory: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\hosts
Specified XML directory does not exist: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\hosts
Trying to read XML file: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\packages.xml
Successfully loaded XML file: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\packages.xml
Trying to read XML files from directory: \\ocssvr\repo\wpkg\packages
Reading XML file: //ocssvr/repo/wpkg/packages/packages.xml
Found network service: {1FDA1397-786F-4CB3-BD77-E944937880CA}
Reading fixed IP address(es).
Found fixed IP address:
Found network service: {7A6D5449-9A18-4E42-89C7-C715040CD241}
Reading fixed IP address(es).
Found fixed IP address:
Found host 'lbli_d1.stradcom.net.ph' matching IP ''
Host operating system: microsoft windows xp professional, , sp3, 5.1.2600
Domain Name: stradcom.net.ph
Found computer group: Domain Computers
Found system locale: 409
Host properties: hostname='lbli_d1'
os='microsoft windows xp professional, , sp3, 5.1.2600'
domain name='stradcom.net.ph'
groups='Domain Computers'
Single-match mode. Host match finished.
Profiles applying to the current host:

Reading settings file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wpkg.xml
Trying to read XML file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wpkg.xml
Successfully loaded XML file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wpkg.xml
Hosts file contains 1 hosts:
Settings file contains 0 packages:
Packages file contains 0 packages:
Profile file contains 1 profiles:
Using profile(s):
Saving current environment
Getting profiles which apply to this node.
Applying profile: default
Adding package with ID 'time' to profile packages.
Database inconsistency: Package with ID 'time' does not exist within the package
 database or the local settings file. Please contact your system administrator!
Synchronizing: Number of packages referenced by profile: 0
Number of packages to remove: 0
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