[wpkg-users] automating MS Windows Script installation

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez a.calvo at alcampo.es
Wed Dec 14 08:02:27 CET 2005

I'm using wpkg under active directory policy with a mix of windows 2000 and 
XP computers.
Updating the scripting engine is easy, just include the installer in the 
start.bat launched by the GP. as in tje example below.
If i recall correctly wpkg doesn't support windows version bellow windows 
---- Star.bat ---
@echo off
goto :inicio

::  Nombre:          WPKG_Vigo1.bat
::  Autor:           Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
::  Actualizaciones: a.calvo at alcampo.es
::  Hecho/Probado en:Windows XP
::  Requiere:        OS: Windows 2000 o XP
::                   API:Windows scripting host 5.6
::  Main Function:   Arranca el instalador de paquetes wpkg
::                   En caso de no tener instalado cscript o tener una
::                   version inferior a 5.6 lo instala previamente
::  Syntax:          WPKG_Vigo1.bat
::  Uso y notas:
::                   Antes de su uso deben definirse las variables
::                   de entorno
::  Asunciones &
::  Limitaciones:
::  Documentacion:   In the script
::  Licencia:        GNU General Public License see "license.txt" or
::                   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
::  Version:         1.0
::  Revision History:
::        10/12/05 - 1.0 - 1º version



:: Definicion de las variables de entorno
:: Servidor y carpeta compartida donde residen wpkg y los paquetes
set WPKGROOT=\\i030021\adm$\bin
set PACKAGES=\\i030021\adm$\pkg

:: Localizacion del instalador de windows scripting 5.6
set WSH=\\i030021\adm$\pkg\scriptes.exe

:: Comprobacion e instalacion de windows scripting

:: Windows XP tiene la version correcta en c:\windows
if exist c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe goto :OK

:: Para Windows 2000
:: Si no existe cscript instalamos directamente
if not exist c:\winnt\system32\cscript.exe %WSH% /q:a /r:n

:: Comprobamos la version e instalamos si no es la correcta
c:\winnt\system32\cscript.exe | find "5.6"
if ERRORLEVEL 1  %WSH% /q:a /r:n


:: Llamamos a wpkg para que trabaje
%WPKGROOT%\wpkg.js /synchronize /quiet
Antonio Calvo
RIH Alcampo Vigo 1
986201010 ext 699

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Z" <andrewz at springsrescuemission.org>
To: <wpkg-users at lists.wpkg.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 12:41 AM
Subject: [wpkg-users] automating MS Windows Script installation

> Hello,
> As you know Microsoft Windows Script (MWS) is required to run wpkg.  On my 
> Windows 2000, wpkg wasn't working properly ("property file not found" or 
> something like that) until I updated MWS.   Since wpkg can't be used to 
> install its own prerequisite, is there some other way to intelligently, 
> automatically install or update MWS for all our Windows 9x, ME, and 2000 
> systems?
> For Windows 2000, I tried "scriptEN.exe /q", but even though I already had 
> the latest MWS, it installed again and then wanted to reboot..
> Another problem is there are two different executables: one for Windows 
> 9x/ME/NT and another for 2000/XP.
> In summary, I am looking for a way to
> - Pick the correct MWS installer (9x/ME vs 2000/XP)
> - Not install MWS more than once
> Andrew

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