Hi, > When I run wpkg-start.bat, at the end of wpkg's settings update, the > window "Wpkg parameters" show up, and I have to close it by myself. > When Wpkg runs at boot, it get stucked with the process wpkginst.exe > running and running. I suppose that It is waiting for a click or something ! > > Here's my package.xml for wpkg > > <package id="wpkg" name="Wpkg Installer" revision="2" reboot="false" > priority="0"> > <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="WPKG" /> > <install cmd='msiexec /qb /i "%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\WPKGSetup.msi" > SETTINGSFILE=%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\settings.xml ALLUSERS=1' /> > <upgrade cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\WPKG\wpkginst.exe" > --SETINGSFILE=%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\settings.xml' /> > </package> btw: you have a typo in "--SET_T_INGSFILE" Try to start "wpkginst --settingsfile=settings.xml ALLUSERS=1" manually. If the dialog shows up, your settings.xml is wrong. Fill in all parameters, then export again as settings.xml. Here is my wpkginst.xml which I use in production: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <packages> <package id="wpkginst" name="Wpkg installer" revision="2" reboot="true" priority="999"> <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="WPKG" /> <install cmd="cmd /c start /min msiexec /qn /i w:\wpkg\WPKGSetup.msi SETTINGSFILE=w:\wpkg\settings.xml ALLUSERS=1" /> <upgrade cmd="msiexec /qn /l* c:\netinst\logs\wpkginst.log /i w:\wpkg\WPKGSetup.msi SETTINGSFILE=w:\wpkg\settings.xml" /> <remove cmd="msiexec /qn /l* c:\netinst\logs\wpkgdel.log /x{27A985C1-80D2-4EB9-81F6-D8B2EABE0DE6}" /> </package> <package id="wpkgoldremove" name="Wpkg Remover" revision="1" reboot="false" priority="999" execute="once"> <depends package-id="wpkginst" /> <install cmd='cmd /c net stop "Windows Packager"' > <exit code="2" /> </install> <install cmd='cmd /c instsrv "Windows Packager" remove ' > <exit code="1" /> </install> <install cmd='cmd /c del /q /s "c:\netinst\wpkg"' /> </package> </packages> Good luck, Falko wpkg-users mailing list wpkg-users at lists.wpkg.org http://lists.wpkg.org/mailman/listinfo/wpkg-users |