[wpkg-users] WPKG Client v1.0rc6 & WPKG 1.0-rc8 - enviromental variable

Paul Griffith paulg at cse.yorku.ca
Thu Mar 20 18:05:12 CET 2008


I ran into a strange issue with WPKG v1.0-rc8 that I didn't see with WPKG  
0.9.10. All I did was move the config.xml and wpkg.js from the 1.0rc8 zip  
file into my wpkg directory and try to install the packages on a newly  
rebuilt WinXP SP2 PC.

WPKG installed a few packages (Acrobat Pro, Visual Studio 2005) but the  
other packages it totaly skipped. It look like wpkg-1.0-rc8 had issues  
with the enviromental variable '%SOFTWARE%'. In most of the failed  
installation wpkg complains that it can't find the install file.

Here is a my 7zip.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<package id="7zip" name="7-Zip" revision="457" reboot="false"  

<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="7-Zip 4.57" />
<install cmd='msiexec /qn /i %SOFTWARE%\sevenzip\7z457.msi /l*  
%SystemDrive%\netinst\logs\7zip.txt REBOOT=ReallySuppress' />
<upgrade cmd='msiexec /qn /i %SOFTWARE%\sevenzip\7z457.msi /l*  
%SystemDrive%\netinst\logs\7zip.txt REBOOT=ReallySuppress' />
<remove cmd='msiexec /qn /x %SOFTWARE%\sevenzip\7z457.msi /l*  
%SystemDrive%\netinst\logs\7zip.txt REBOOT=ReallySuppress' />

If I move the .9.10 version of wpkg back into place and reboot, the  
skipped installations continue. I am going to troubleshoot this issue some  


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