[wpkg-users] Viewing software installed on workstations

Rainer Meier r.meier at wpkg.org
Fri May 16 18:48:25 CEST 2008

Hi Joe,

Joe wrote:
> According to the docs you can use the following "package" to
> view what has been installed on a workstation...
> <package
>      id="wpkg-xml"
>      name="wpkg.xml files from workstations"
>      revision="1"
>      priority="0"
>      execute="always">
> <install timeout="15" cmd='cmd /C copy %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wpkg.xml \\server\wpkg-xml\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml /Y' />
> </package>
> ...but won't this always be behind by one run of wpkg?  By looking at the log the
> last thing that wpkg does is write wpkg.xml.  So this method will always copy
> the last wpkg.xml and not the current.  Am I correct?

This is absolutely correct due to the fact that WPKG 1.x does not waste 
system resources any more by flushing an incomplete wpkg.xml after each 

If you really need to get the absolutely latest version of the local 
wpkg.xml I recommend putting a batch file onto the server and have WPKG 
client running that batch file instead of wpkg.js directly.

This allows to launch wpkg.js and then copy wpkg.xml with the batch script.

Oh wait, I just found another option. Put the command (cmd /C copy 
%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wpkg.xml \\server\wpkg-xml\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml /Y) 
to a batch script and add it to WPKG client configuration within the 
"Execute after" configuration. This should do the trick.


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