[wpkg-users] Silent install of Client

Brian May brian at vpac.org
Wed Oct 15 07:08:57 CEST 2008

Forsmari wrote:
> I have tried the "msiexec /qb /i WPKGSetup.msi
> SETTINGSFILE=\\\deploy\settings\settings.xml ALLUSERS=1" but it stops
> with "error cant update allusers" and all other tests with "runas" is just
> giving me a "bad syntax slap-in-the-face"

When I do something similar, wpkg cannot access the settings.xml file 
from the network server.

So I tried:

msiexec /i WPKGSetup.msi

However, even through the GUI, wpkg can't see any of my network drives 
or network mappings. Much like the setup process is running as a 
different user in fact.

I have verified that the network is fully operational in the command 
prompt that started the msiexec process. However, nothing shows up in 
wpkg. Or I get the error "\\hq\wpkg is not accessible. Your might not 
have permission to access this network resource." error. I can access 
the share fine though through the command prompt.

So far I have had to manually copy the xml file to anywhere on the hard 
disk, and then wpkg can access the file.

This seems weird.

Any ideas?


  Brian May

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