[wpkg-users] WPKG after user logon [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

Romuald MAIRE rmaire at delfingen.com
Tue Apr 7 08:49:59 CEST 2009

Michael Chinn a écrit :
>> and register as default for PDF,
>> As above, can be done globally.
>> I'm not sure how though, anyone knows?
> I too would love to know. Filetypes, mimetypes, clsid's and persistenthandlers are one of the biggest pains to manage, every app seems to have a different way to handle the problem.
> SOFTWARE\Classes key holds the magical definitions & HKCU wins over HKLM (althou these are really just pointers to HKCR & HKU)


Your're right, i don't know exactly how they works, it seems to be 
pointers, there is default profiles and surcharged user profiles.
I will find a solution ...

But what do you think to consider new WPKG function like following :
It is possible to check an option called for example "during user 
session", and if this option is checked, WPKG execute himself (and lock 
user screen with WPKG's message) just after the user session start, or 
just before the session end (if it's possible and "at shutdown" option 
is selected instead of "At startup".

I think it  will be very usefull for many users.

Or another idea is to add parameter to packages which says if the job 
must be called during normal execution (like now) or ONLY with the WPKG 
service and during the user session is opened ?

I am a developer, and i think that 2 solutions aren't so difficult, but 
must be really thinking.

Thank again for your answers, and excuse my english, i'm french ^^

Have nice day

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