Hi Adam, Adam Williams wrote: > Does anyone know how make this application silently install? > http://www.vso-software.fr/products/image_resizer/ > > i've tried the usual things like msiexec /qn /i > vso_image_resizer2_setup.exe, or passing it flags like /s, /q, /quiet, > etc. nothing seems to work. or do you know of another free image > resizing program that is vista compatible and silently installs? Common silent options to try: MSI installer: /i /qn /norestart MSI uninstaller: /x /qn /norestart Install4J: -q Inno Installer: /verysilent /norestart /sp- Installshield: /s NSIS insstaller: /S Well, I have no clue if one of them works for image resizer - I am using IrfanView in batch mode to resize a bunch of images. br, Rainer |