[wpkg-users] WNetAddConnection2-> A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated..

Adam Williams awilliam at mdah.state.ms.us
Tue Apr 21 16:40:26 CEST 2009

Maybe it's none of my business, but it sounds like you aren't an IT 
staff at your employer and you are handling IT affairs?  Or, if you're 
not a server administrator then when are you trying to do server 
administrative tasks?  Or you're a quasi/unofficial-IT person working in 
a remote office?

If you just want this for testing, do you have an available unused 
computer you can install Linux on, or a powerful enough in use desktop 
computer to run Linux in Xen?

Chris Wilcox wrote:
> Thanks for the replies so far - unfortunately I have no access to the 
> Linux server as they are sent pre-configured from the supplier and 
> then installed by our Local Authority.
> I am going to ask our LA if they can set me up (or tell me how to set 
> up) an open share for WPKG use as this would be easier all round.
> Chris
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