-new switch /applymultiple added: Picture yourself, that you have this host.xml: <host name="PC1" profile-id="profile1" /> <host name="PC2" profile-id="profile2" /> <host name="PC1;PC3" profile-id="profile3" /> <host name="PC.+" profile-id="profile4" /> If you will run wpkg.js on PC1, only one profile will be applied by default (profile1). If you use wpkg.js /synchronize /applymultiple all matching profiles will be applied (profile1,profile3,profile4). It's important to tell, that there is one exception to compatibility with original wpkg.js: If you want to use my patched wpkg.js without switch /applymultiple, there is one thing, you must do before. If you have hosts.xml like this: <host name="PC.+" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="PC1" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="PC3" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="Comp.+" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="PC4" profile-id="profile" /> you must reorder nodes to: <host name="PC1" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="PC3" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="PC4" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="PC.+" profile-id="profile" /> <host name="Comp.+" profile-id="profile" /> First must be exact names, second IP addresses and third regular expressions. It is because original wpkg.js script search firstly for exact name, secondly for IP address and thirdly for regular expression. My patched script just search for first matching profile (if started without switch /applymultiple). It's because there is now more ways to define hosts in hosts.xml and I don't know, how should be set priorities: -has <host ou="mydomain.local/Classrooms"/> priority to <host name="PC1"/> or vice versa? -has <host group="Domain Computers"/> priority to <host system="xp.+sp2"/> or vice versa ? -and what combination of attributes such as <host name="PC.+" system="xp.+sp2"/>? Has priority to <host name=""/>? etc |