[wpkg-users] uninstall program not installed by wpkg

Rainer Meier r.meier at wpkg.org
Fri Jun 5 13:52:37 CEST 2009

Hi Andrea,

Andrea Zagli wrote:
> is there a way to uninstall with wpkg a program not installed with wpkg?
> i would like to remove the msoffice demo (and others demo) from new pcs

1. Create a package like 'msoffice-demo'
- do not specify any install commands
- specify checks (e.g. uninstall check) which verify if the software is installed
- define appropriate remove commands (like 'msiexec /x [GUID] /qn'
- assign the package to the hosts

2. Run WPKG
- WPKG will detect that the software is already installed and therefore it just
adds it to wpkg.xml

3. Rmoeve the package from the profile

Now WPKG will execute the remove commands and therefore cleanly remove the software.


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