[wpkg-users] Uninstall a previous installed (by hand) Firefox with WPKG?

Rainer Meier r.meier at wpkg.org
Tue Mar 10 13:58:41 CET 2009

Hi Luca,

Luca Manganelli wrote:
> Hi, there's any way to uninstall a previously installed Firefox by hand, when installing the new version?

Well, I assume that you want to uninstall a Firefox instance installed
previosly by hand but not to uninstall it by hand as you wrote...

In fact for Firefox it should not be needed to install any previos
version - just installing the latest version will upgrade to latest. If
you still want to uninstall, then read on...

> I can obtain the UUID key in the HKLM/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall.

So you might write a pre-install script (put it as the first command to
be executed in WPKG) which reads the current UUID and uninstalls it.

WPKG will simply execute the commands in the order you specify them
within the XML file. So feel free to add any scripts which detect
previous versions and uninstalls them.

I never had to do this so I cannot provide a ready-to-use example yet.


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