[wpkg-users] using psexec to push client

Petersen, Tom Tom.Petersen at sduniversitycenter.org
Fri Oct 9 21:56:20 CEST 2009

I am new to all of this but actually managed to get things working for
the most part using the documentation online.

Once the client is installed my packages install ok.


I tried using this to push the client:

c:\PsTools\psexec -u usdsu.local\username -p password @ucs186.xml -d
msiexec /i "\\usdsu.local\storage\its\uc-its\wpkg\WPKG Client 1.2.1.msi"
/qb SETTINGSFILE=\\usdsu.local\storage\its\uc-its\wpkg\settings.xml


(replacing username and password with the correct ones)


I then get this for all 32 machines. (correct machine names, and
different process ID on each of the 32 machines)



msiexec started on UCS18602 with process ID 692.



That is all I get, not sure if I was supposed to get any feedback on if
it was successful or not.  And the client is not installed on the
machines.  Is there a way to look at that process id somewhere???


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, hope this is the right
place to post this question.







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