<quote> Hello, First, excuse me for my english, i'm french... ! I want to use WPKG to deploy but i can't use the packages dependencies with chain !! I want to install PACKET1 before PACKET2. To simplify, my packet1 contain an install (setup..) and my packet2 contain a copy of an INI file to the install directory of the packet1. - My host.xml refereded to a profile-id - In my Profiles.xml, my profile id refereded to a package-id as this : <profiles> <profile id="PROFILE-TEST"> <package package-id="PACK1" /> </profile> </profiles> - In my Packages.xml, my package-id PACK1 is chain with PACK2 : <packages> <package id="PACK1" name="PACK1" revision="1" reboot="false" priority="1"> <install cmd='\\SERVER\WPKG-1.1.2\APP\Setup.exe -s'> </install> <chain package-id="PACK2" /> </package> <package id="PACK2" name="PACK2" revision="1" reboot="false" priority="1"> <install cmd='%comspec% /c copy \\SERVER\WPKG-1.1.2\APP\FIC.INI C:\APP\FIC.INI /Y'> </install> </package> </packages> I don't know why it does not work ! I have test others things, but systematically, the PACK2 attempt to install even the PACK1 is not install yet...and it s not possible because the destination directory doesn't exist yet. How can i force the PACK1 install before the PACK2 install ? Have i made an error ? Can you help me ? Thanks. </quote> Hi, don't use CHAIN, but make Pack2 depending on Pack1 and Pack1 must be successfully installed before Pack2 will be installed. Remove the CHAIN line from Pack1 and add a DEPENDS line to Pack2. --- Stefan |