[wpkg-users] why leave client service running?

Gregory Orange gregory.orange at rpsmetocean.com
Mon Feb 22 07:53:38 CET 2010

Hi everyone,
I've just picked up Wpkg again after not really getting it going a few 
years ago. I'm impressed by how easy it has been to install and get off 
the ground. Thank you for such a great project, helping to fill in one 
of Windows' biggest gaps: package management.

I'm grateful also for the pre-built client, such that I don't have to 
think about rolling my own deployment, and the GUI is good for 
generating settings for the first time. My question: What is the point 
in _not_ ticking "Stop the service when all actions are done"? Why would 
I want the service running if I set the execution mode to be at system 

On a related note, what happens with computers that are never rebooted 
or shut down? Is there some recommended way of getting their package 
status synchronised?


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