[wpkg-users] WPKG client service script error on clean

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at wpkg.org
Sat Feb 27 14:14:27 CET 2010

Vasaris wrote:

>>> I would rather stick to MSI packages, as they allow seemless upgrade, when new version is out. If it is not possible, I think, that server-mode deployment is better then.
>> If you have "wpkg" package defined (including WPKG Client), it will install WPK Client.
> OK. I understood. wpkg.js is capable to deploy WPKG client itself. But doesn't this implies, that in such configuration, one must have two different WPKG-server side folder trees with .xml config files, sub-folders and packages? This is because WPKG client must have different tree to pull deployment information. If only one tree will be used, both AD-executed wpkg.js and the WPKG client will deploy packages twice. Or if wpkg.xml local datastore escapes this situation, then only wpkg.js will do actual deployment, and when WPKG client is run, it will have no actual jobs to do. Is this right or not?

No, one folder is enough.
If WPKG Client is already installed, wpkg.js will just skip its 

> \> As AD is not able to handle MSI parameters (although it is advertised 
>> that "it handles MSI"), or install exe and such, this was one of 
>> motivations to write WPKG.
> Yes, it does not handle. On the other side, MSI often can be edited directly, or MST transform created to add those command line parameters. Not an intuitive way, but possible.

Perhaps we should make the installer so that it looks for settings.xml 
in the same directory where the msi package is located - if no arguments 
are given.
This should essentially solve the problem.


> I do not think so :-) If there is MSI package, it will be deplyed by Active Directory software deployment, as it fast, convienient and most of the time works OK. In case there is no MSI package, WPKG is a way to go. I do believe, that in some cases MSI package will not deploy well through AD, so WPKG can help in this case also.

Yep, and this is when you'll like mix something up - especially if there 
are more admins in your environment.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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