[wpkg-users] Exit Code: 1

Rowland,Andrew arowland at wwusd.org
Tue Apr 26 20:46:42 CEST 2011

Hello All,


I am working on setting up WPKG in our district, and I have run into an
error code, as seen below:


2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Initializing socket...

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> ServiceStart->SERVICE_RUNNING

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Starting WPKG on startup

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Before create shared memory: successfuly done.

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Create shared memory: successfuly done.

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Set script security context: successfuly done.

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Network resource required

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Network resource: successfuly connected

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Starting script action execution

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Script action execution done.

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Script execution: failure. Exit code: 1

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Script execution: failure. Exit code: 1

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Working done. Perform cleanup.

2011-04-26 13:32:34 -> Cleanup done.


I am able to connect to the server using the domain admin account I
setup, and map the necessary network drives.


I have tried various things (everything I could find on the archives)
but no matter what I have done I cannot get it to go past this point.
Please let me know if you know how to overcome this error, or what other
information you need.


Thanks for all the help!


Andy Rowland

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