[wpkg-users] Firefox zombie state

Stefan Pendl stefan.pendl.71 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 09:33:17 CEST 2012

Am 06.04.2012 09:19, schrieb Bruno CHOQUET:
> On a W7 32bit SP1, did you try to remove FF6 with the command <remove
> cmd='"%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe" -ms'></remove> ?

I never had to remove a previous version of Firefox, the update always 
went smooth.

I am using the following package:

     <package id="Firefox" name="Mozilla Firefox" revision="%PKG_VER%" 
reboot="false" priority="100">
         <!-- higher priority is used to install before Java and Flash 
Player without defining a dependency, since Firefox doesn't really 
depend on them -->
         <!-- set version variables -->
         <variable name="PKG_VER"     value="11.0"/>
         <variable name="PKG_EXE_VER" value=""/>
         <!-- set version variables for virtual machines -->
         <variable name="PKG_VER"     value="11.0"        hostname="VM\-" />
         <variable name="PKG_EXE_VER" value="" hostname="VM\-" />
         <!-- set destination folder -->
         <variable name="PKG_DEST"    value="%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla 
Firefox"      architecture="x86"/>
         <variable name="PKG_DEST"    value="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Mozilla 
Firefox" architecture="x64"/>
         <!-- default language is English -->
         <variable name="PKG_LNG"     value="en-us"/>
         <!-- overwrite default language for German systems -->
         <variable name="PKG_LNG"     value="de" 

         <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" 
path="Mozilla Firefox .+"     value="%PKG_VER%" />
         <check type="file"      condition="versiongreaterorequal" 
path="%PKG_DEST%\firefox.exe" value="%PKG_EXE_VER%" />

         <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox Setup 
%PKG_VER% %PKG_LNG%.exe" /S' />

         <upgrade include="install" />

         <remove cmd='"%PKG_DEST%\uninstall\helper.exe" /s' />
         <remove cmd="%ComSpec% /c ping -n 11 localhost" />

If you like to remove the previous version on upgrade you can change the 
upgrade commands as below for the package above.

         <upgrade include="remove" />
         <upgrade include="install" />

Stefan P.

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