[wpkg-users] skip client run

Stefan Pendl stefan.pendl.71 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 20:48:00 CEST 2012

Am 02.08.2012 19:53, schrieb Sebastian Elner:
> Hi,
> a colleague of mine just asked me if it is possible to skip/prevent the
> run of wpkg client at shutdown if there is an urgent reason for reboot
> and you know its going to install some heavy package. Is there some
> functionality like this?
> Cheers
> Sebastian

Ctrl+Q allows to abort the WPKG client, but this is troublesome, since 
you might just break during an installation, which leaves the system in 
an unstable state.

In general silent installers are hard to abort.

One way would be to always include one package initially, that does 
nothing but "ping -n 11 localhost",  which results in a ten second delay.

The package could have the name "Press Crtl+Q to abort WPKG", which 
would be displayed, if the WPKG client is used and WPKG is started with 
the /sendStatus command line switch.

Stefan P.

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