Hello, I am using wpkg 1.3.0 here, running at startup. While the user waits for the login to appear there is only a "static" information window shown with a progressbar displaying the messages (First message + Second message) configured in the wpkg client. Is it possible to have it dynamically display the actionname and package name of the package wpkg is currently checking or installing - Something like "checking Firefox" ? My wpkgclient parameters are "/synchronize /nonotify /quiet" Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ingo Arndt -- http://www.sps-berlin.de SPS Schaltanlagentechnik Berlin GmbH Giesensdorfer Str. 29 D 12207 Berlin Tel. 030/76 89 90 - 16 Fax. 030/76 89 90 - 18 GF: Hans-Jürgen Dehn AG Charlottenburg HRB 12140 |