[wpkg-users] False match of IP address to host name pattern (2)

VERDEYEN Jonathan jverdeyen at automatic-systems.com
Mon Feb 18 17:19:43 CET 2013

I hit a strange case of IP address matching a host definition :

Found host 'cnsuzd.+|cnsuzw.+|cnsuzt.+' matching IP ''

So looking up the archive, I found the same case dating from 2009 : http://lists.wpkg.org/pipermail/wpkg-users/2009-September/005770.html, when you have 3 dots in the host name, it would be considered as an IP address.
Now I can add another dot but I wanted to check if it was expected as you seemed to have come up with a workaround back then and I am using WPKG 1.3.0.
Now strangely, on some computers it went on and installed the programs from the mistaken profile corresponding to the host definition with the 3 dots (on a server of course :) and on some laptops) but on the virtual machine I'm doing my tests on, a dryrun shows it will apply the correct profile corresponding to the host name even after matching the IP address to the wrong host definition :

Profiles applying to the current host:

Here is the xml host definition:
<host name="cnsuzd.+|cnsuzw.+|cnsuzt.+ " profile-id="DesktopStdChina"/>

Tell me if you need more information or more tests.


Jonathan Verdeyen
IT Engineer

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