[wpkg-users] wpkg software deployment using bittorrent

Carlos R. Pasqualini pasqualinic at fcal.uner.edu.ar
Wed Jul 10 22:32:53 CEST 2013

El mar, 09-07-2013 a las 14:23 -0700, Rob Bos escribió:
> On 7/9/2013 2:12 PM, Rob Bos wrote:
> >
> >
> > I used RHEL for the torrent server.
> Bit of a non-sequiter there. Not enough caffeine today!  By that I mean 
> my instructions should be adaptable to a Windows server so I tried to 
> keep instructions agnostic. The main point of having the central server 
> is to guarantee that there be at least a few full seeds available to the 
> client at any time, so it's very helpful to have.

I have read your wiki document, it seems to clearly document the
installer transfer process very well. May be i'll need to adapt some
points but in general it is in a usable state as is. Thanks!

but some questions a raised:

This transfers the installer of say 'bigpackage', but you need to start
the install process per se.
how do you manage this two, may be separate, process inside wpkg?
you put those commands inside the package definition of the 'bigpackage'
installer or you use some kind of two packages, one for the transfer and
a second one for the install process (that depends on the transfer)?

the use of '--bt-exclude-tracker=*' and later using your own tracker is
for the client to not search for the torrent on the public internet? we
need to specify that we want to search for it on our LAN only?

Why only 10 minutes in --seed-time=10? why not more time? is a resource
hungry on the workstation? do this seed process create some interference
with the user's use of the workstation?

i haven't found any cleanup process of the local save path. how do you
manage old installers removal? may be adding a delete subroutine in
the :seed section, but we need to check if the program has been
installed correctly too, or may be launch the cleanup on the next
version of this package... just guessing


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