[wpkg-users] Useing include="remove" returns empty command string

Simon Kelsall simonk at stjamesthegreat.org
Fri Jun 21 14:41:38 CEST 2013


I've been going round in circles trying to get this to work, perhaps  
someone can point out what I am doing wrong.

In several silent installer examples I see a line like

<upgrade include='install' />

However when I try to use this I get the error:

2013-06-21 13:15:29, DEBUG   : Executing command: ''.
2013-06-21 13:15:29, ERROR   : Command '' was unsuccessful.|Invalid  
attempt to call Exec without a command.

This isn't just upgrade also when used with install. If I remove the  
line from the package everything works ok so I think the  
install,remove etc definitions are all ok.

I'm using WPKG 1.2

Simon Kelsall
Network Administrator
Direct Dial 020 3393 6835
St James the Great R.C Primary & Nursery School

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