[wpkg-users] Tip to shut off Win7 ?
Stefan Pendl
stefan.pendl.71 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 22:51:31 CET 2013
Am 23.11.2013 22:31, schrieb Cedric Frayssinet:
> Yes but 4000 computers have been already installed :/
> I'd like to make that with wpkg...
Here is an example package, you need to change the time and the name of
the schedule frequency to match your locale.
'---code start (watch for line wraps)
name="JH Shutdown Computer"
<depends package-id="RebootShutdownCMD" />
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:00:00"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:05:00" hostname="^AV.+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:10:00" hostname="^CAD.+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:15:00" hostname="^CAM.+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:20:00" hostname="^E.+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:25:00" hostname="^[GHI].+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:30:00" hostname="^KST3.+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:35:00" hostname="^KST4[0-2].+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:40:00" hostname="^KST4[3-6].+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:45:00" hostname="^KST[56].+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:50:00" hostname="^[L-Q].+"/>
<variable name="PKG_TIME_S" value="22:55:00" hostname="^[R-V].+"/>
<variable name="PKG_EXE" value="shutdown -s -t 600"/>
<!-- english variables -->
<variable name="PKG_SCHEDULE" value ="WEEKLY" />
<variable name="PKG_DAYS" value ="MON,TUE,THU,FRI,SAT,SUN" />
<!-- german variables -->
<variable name="PKG_SCHEDULE" value ="WÖCHENTLICH" lcid="407,c07,1407,1007,807" />
<variable name="PKG_DAYS" value ="MO,DI,DO,FR,SA,SO" lcid="407,c07,1407,1007,807" />
<!-- Server 2003 english -->
<variable name="PKG_SCHEDULE" value ="WEEKLY" os="server" lcidOS="409"/>
<variable name="PKG_DAYS" value ="MON,TUE,THU,FRI,SAT,SUN" os="server" lcidOS="409"/>
<variable name="PKG_TASK_NAME" value ="JH_Shutdown_Computer" />
<check type="file" condition="exists" path="%SystemRoot%\Tasks\%PKG_TASK_NAME%.job" os="5\.\d\.\d{4}"/>
<check type="execute" condition="exitcodeequalto" path='SCHTASKS /Query /NH /TN "%PKG_TASK_NAME%"' value="0" os="6\.\d\.\d{4}"/>
<install include="remove" />
<install cmd='%ComSpec% /c schtasks /create /tn "%PKG_TASK_NAME%" /tr "\"%PKG_EXE%\"" /sc %PKG_SCHEDULE% /d "%PKG_DAYS%" /st "%PKG_TIME_S%" /ru "SYSTEM" >"%TMP%\%PKG_TASK_NAME%.log"' />
<upgrade include="install" />
<remove cmd='SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "%PKG_TASK_NAME%" /F' >
<exit code="1"/>
'---code end
Stefan P.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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