[wpkg-users] PSExec and bitness...

Stefan Pendl stefan.pendl.71 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 21:55:53 CET 2020

Am 13.02.2020 um 12:23 schrieb Marco Gaiarin:
> To bootstrap WPKG on new hardware (but also to manage some manual
> install ot packages, and for testing purpose) i've 'wrapped' WPKG in a
> PsExec call, so i can run WPKG as SYSTEM user by default:
> 	%PSEXEC% -d -s -i %COMSPEC% /c "%WPKGROOT%\wpkg.bat" %*
> Now i've noted that PsTools 2.45 have also 64bit binary of PsExec
> (PsExec64.exe). I've never minded abou that but... this mean that
> running 32bit psexec run wpkg in 32bit context?
> This seems 'no' to me (i've ever run psexec 32bit and never had bitness
> trouble) but... i ask here.

The WPKG process will definitely run in 32-bit mode.
The difference is how good the installers are developed.
Do they still install the 64-bit software, when run in 32-bit context?

In addition it depends on the software itself, if it is beneficial to 
run the 64-bit software on 64-bit systems.

High end software like video, CAD design, image processing will benefit 
from utilizing all available RAM.
Desktop publishing usually can live with the 4GiB maximum for 32-bit 
software on 64-bit systems.

Finally remember that 16-bit support vanished, so will 32-bit support 
vanish when its time comes.

*Stefan P.*

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