[wpkg-users] Public desktop strangeness...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Wed Mar 29 18:12:13 CEST 2023

In my 'config.xml' i have:

    <variable name="PublicDesktop" value="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop" os=", 5\.[0-2]\.\d{4}" />
    <variable name="PublicDesktop" value="%PUBLIC%\Desktop" os=", 6\.[0-3]\.\d{4}" />
    <variable name="PublicDesktop" value="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop" os=", 10\.0\.\d{5}" />

In Windows 10, in recipes, a row like:

	<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /c copy /y "%WPKGROOT%\packages\glpi-%LOCALNET%.url" "%PublicDesktop%\HelpDesk.url"' />

works as expected, eg, put the Icon on the public desktop. But a row like:

	<remove cmd='%COMSPEC% /c del /f /q "%PublicDesktop%\HelpDesk.url"' />

does not remove it. WHY?! Thanks.

  Io ammiro gli americani per come fanno le trattative: prima di tutto
  pensano a se stessi, poi a se stessi, e solo alla fine a se stessi.
						(Ignacio Lula da Silva)

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