[wpkg-users] MSIX?!

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Tue Nov 14 10:50:54 CET 2023

>         https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/msix/overview
> Someone have started to work with? I see no reference in WPKG wiki...

Some clue from Thunderbird list:


 MSIX/MSIXBundle are (in its current state) absolutely unusable for IT-Admins:
 Applications will always be installed into the users context - so when it is installed via a management system it either is installed for local system only (current user for most such systems) or when using provisioning (Add-AppxProvisionedPackage) for *every* new user on the system which results in absurd storage overhead
 - it can cause having different versions on the same machine / updating does not work instantly (affected users must login)
 - sometimes existing users will not get the application installed (you have to manually reset via `-DisableDevelopmentMode` in the users context)
 - uninstalling is absurdly complicated (to get it removed out of every profile) and buggy at best
 Applications deployed through MSIX can only be called by nt-authority/interactive-user which kills scripting capability for software management systems and similar methods.

  La condivisione è il segreto di tutto...		(Roberto Colonello)

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