[wpkg-users] failing check condition with a variable

Marco Schmidt schmidt at fgcz.ethz.ch
Mon Apr 29 13:54:26 CEST 2024


there are two different processes involved in expanding the variable.
Remember, this is Windows ... nearly DOS :-)

The wpkg.js uses

Which can not handle "%PKG_VERSION:~-2% and therefore returns the string literally.

Usind "%COMSPEC%" which is "cmd.exe" gets the string "%PKG_VERSION:~-2%" and does what it should and 
expands the string.

No magic ... just stings interpreted by different commands.

Better do it the other way round:

<variable name="PKG_VERSION_MAJOR" value="4" />
<variable name="PKG_VERSION_MINOR" value="67" />

Greetings ...

On 29/04/2024 08:34, Jens Kalinowsky wrote:
> Am 24.04.2024 um 20:32 schrieb Andreas Schamanek:
> I had already answered Andreas directly, but here again for the mailing list:
>> Am I misunderstanding something, or is the reason really relatively obvious?
>> "3.00" != ""
> oh yes, how embarrassing. At some point I was blind after all the tests yesterday. I had been 
> concentrating on the fact that the variable name was in the log, so I assumed that it wasn't 
> expanded, and overlooked the actual target value.
> I expected the variables in the log file to be expanded. However, I have now read that this is an 
> expected behavior:
> https://wpkg.org/FAQ:en#Why_aren.27t_my_variables_showing_up_.28.22expanding.22.29_in_my_logs.3F
> I have another question about the behavior of the variables, which I can't explain yet.
> The following excerpt from a package is given:
> <variable name="PKG_VERSION"       value="4.67" />
> <variable name="PKG_VERSION_SHORT" value="%PKG_VERSION:~0,1%%PKG_VERSION:~-2%" />
> <variable name="PKG_SETUP_IVIEW" value="iview%PKG_VERSION_SHORT%g_x64_setup.exe" architecture="x64" />
> ...
> <command type="install" cmd="%COMSPEC% /c echo PKG_VERSION: '%PKG_VERSION%'       >  
> %temp%\info.txt" />
> <command type="install" cmd="%COMSPEC% /c echo PKG_VERSION_SHORT: '%PKG_VERSION_SHORT%' >> 
> %temp%\info.txt" />
> <command type="install" cmd="%COMSPEC% /c echo PKG_SETUP_IVIEW: '%PKG_SETUP_IVIEW%'   >> 
> %temp%\info.txt" />
> <command type="install" cmd="%PKG_SOURCE%\%PKG_SETUP_IVIEW%" /silent /folder="%PKG_DESTINATION%" 
> /desktop=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1' />
> The excution of the setup command fails:
> 2024-04-29 07:48:17, ERROR   : Command '"%PKG_SOURCE%\%PKG_SETUP_IVIEW%" /silent 
> /folder="%PKG_DESTINATION%" /desktop=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1' 
> ('"\\smh\admin\install\Grafik\iview%PKG_VERSION:~0,1%%PKG_VERSION:~-2%g_x64_setup.exe" /silent 
> /folder="C:\Program Files\Irfanview" /desktop=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1') was 
> unsuccessful.|Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.|
> But the debug output seems to be fine:
> PKG_VERSION:       '4.67'
> PKG_SETUP_IVIEW:   'iview467g_x64_setup.exe'
> If I change the variable definition PKG_VERSION_SHORT to the static value '467' the package works.
> If I leave the variable PKG_VERSION_SHORT dynamic as described above, so that it depends on 
> PKG_VERSION and put an '%COMSPEC% /c start "" /wait' in front of the setup command, it works also.
> Can someone explain this to me?
> Jens
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