Hi,<br>I find that currently the pull mechanism works like this<br>- The client is attached to a "profile" which is attached to a "package"<br>- The client can download a package using <code>cscript \\server\wpkg\wpkg.js /install:<package></code><br>
- The client can check the status from <code>cscript \\server\wpkg\wpkg.js /query:a <br></code><br>But my use-case requires the user to pick a software based on his needs.
He may need 3 out of the 5 packages in his profile. Hence i would like to
know that is it possible to request the packages in a better way than
"/intall:<package>". Could he just select a list of packages
before hand and <enter> rather than naming individual package and
installing one by one?<br><br>Thanks!<br>Nitish.<br>