Hi all !<br><br>I've a problem with deployment of LibreOffice.<br><br>All was fine until i opened the msi with ORCA in order to find the names of langage packs not to install. My goal is to reduce the time to launch LibreOffice. ORCA is now closed, and i have made a copy of the MSI before...<br>
<br>When i made a <br><br>C:\>cscript \\\wpkg\wpkg.js /synchronise /debug /install:Libreoffice<br><br>i have this message :<br><br>Executing command: msiexec /qn /I "%SOFTWARE%\libreoffice\libreoffice%version_sh<br>
ort%.msi"<br>Could not process (install) package 'LibreOffice : La suite bureautique Libre' (<br>Libreoffice):<br>Exit code returned non-successful value (1619) on command 'msiexec /qn /I "%SOFT<br>WARE%\libreoffice\libreoffice%version_short%.msi"'.<br>
Cleaning up temporary downloaded files<br><br>Folder LibreOffice has the same ACL than others folders which works fine. WPKG is ok because i installed Firefox, 7-zip and more just before...<br><br>If I run the MSI manually, it works...<br>
<br>Do you have any idea ?<br><br>Thanks a lot !<br><br>Cédric<br><br>NB : %version_short% is defined.<br>