[sheepdog] [sheepdog/sheepdog] e98977: sheep: avoid diskfull caused by recovery process

AP sheepdog at inml.weebeastie.net
Sun May 1 05:14:16 CEST 2016

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 07:20:15PM -0700, Hitoshi Mitake wrote:
> sheep can corrupt its cluster by diskfull with recovery process. For
> avoiding this problem, this patch adds a new option -F to dog cluster
> format. If this command is passed during cluster formatting, every
> sheep process of the cluster skips recovery if there is a possibility
> of diskfull during recovery.

I'm a little confused and am wondering if I am reading this incoorectly.

This sounds like the default is to set up the cluster in such a way that
it'll corrupt itself.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? That the default should leave you
safe and you have the option of running naked through the poison ivy
if that's your idea of fun.

Or did I miss something?


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