[stgt] tgtd and open-isns woes

Albert Pauw albert.pauw at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 19:22:41 CEST 2010

Just noticed a problem with the isns server, which comes standard with 
Fedora and Redhat.

When I start tgtd and add the isns IP number and switch it on, it 
registers nicely.
When I stop tgtd, it deregisters nicely.


When I start tgtd and add the isns IP number and switch isns on, it 
registers nicely.
When I switch isns off in tgtd, it deregisters, but it sends isnsd into 
a loop (96% CPU usage).

Is there a difference between deregistering when shutting down, and just 
switching it off?



P.S. So the offending command sequence would be:

tgtadm --op update -m sys -n iSNSServerIP -v <IP nr server>
tgtadm --op update -m sys -n iSNS -v On
tgtadm --op update -m sys -n iSNS -v Off
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